Thursday, December 23, 2010

Top 10 Tween Must Haves

This is my homage to the great Tim Gunn & his show Tim Gunn’s Guide to Style (TGG2S).

Let me explain why these 10 items are so important to have for the basic tween wardrobe.  Just as women have certain things that should be in their wardrobe, so should tweens.  This list of Top 10 Tween Must Haves was essentially the staple items of my daughter’s wardrobe throughout her middle school career.  Since, she didn’t have any enormous growth spurts, nearly everything purchased lasted at least 2 of the 3 years she was in middle school (allows you to build a dream wardrobe).  She has many things that will move on with her to high school as well.  This is very important for budget conscious moms, as it is difficult to have things last more than one season/year, since girlz are growing and developing.

Top 10 Tween Must Haves:
  1. Denim
  2. T’s
  3. White Cotton Shirt
  4. Black Turtleneck
  5. Velour Jogging Suit
  6. Blazer
  7. Cropped Jacket
  8. Skirt
  9. Cardigan
  10. Dress

What you will find if you get these 10 items is that they work with nearly everything you already have, things you’re buying now, and things you’ll buy in the future.  These purchases will give you the mature tween, fashion forward, and always style’n looks you’re after (You’ll still be you parents baby girl, so just get over it!!!).  However, we parents do understand that you’re leaving elementary school, and have many more responsibilities as a middle school student.  As such it’s only natural that you want to look the part.

Now, you need to be sure to consider your body shape when you make your purchases.  Never buy things too tight.  It just makes you look horrible, like you’re trying too hard, and have no idea of what style is.  Even if it is the last one on the rack, leave it.  It just means you’ll find something even better at the next store, and it will probably be on sale.  Sometimes you just have to let the fashion God’s lead.  Buying too tight clothes is simply a rookie style mistake.  Too big is just as wrong a move as too little.  Do try on 1-2 sizes larger than the perfect fit though, and if it still looks absolutely amazing, buy it.  This will give you the growing space you need, and allow you to begin to build on top of these 10 items.

B2S Shopping?  Tweens and Parents when you’re out shopping be sure to purchase double duty items.  First, you need to consider what activities your tween will be participating in.  If band, chorus, or orchestra, is in your future, the white cotton shirt (I found snazzy ones like this at Cititrends for $9.99) and skirt on the Top 10 Tween Must Haves list will probably be a must anyway, so be sure to get a color that will allow you to be in uniform when needed and mix and match with the rest of your clothes 4 tween chic living the rest of the time.

Graduating 8th grade this school year?  Be on the look out for a white dress, since usually it’s required even if you have a cap and gown ceremony.  You can also start saving a dollar here and there if you sew and have the most unique dress there.  Save $5 to $10 and wait for the pattern to go on sale.  Also, ask what time of year the particular fabric you want will be on sale.  Be sure to check the pattern to see what extra’s you’ll need (buttons, zipper, boning).  Fabrics usually are cheaper during the off season.  These tips will work for 8th grade prom too.

Happy Shopping!

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