Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Top 10 Tween Must Haves: #1 Denim

Aaah Denim!  How do I love thee?  The reason denim is number one on the Top 10 Tween Must Haves is pretty much self explanatory.  Denim is 4 then, 4 now, and 4ever!  It can be dressed up or down and looks great if you've had it for years or just bought it.  Demin is spectacular for all ages, both genders, and every shape imaginable.  It is the public school uniform for tween's, and can be worn all four seasons of the year.  It comes in jeans, slacks, shirts, tops, halters, jackets, blazers, shorts, capri's, coats, dresses, dusters, skirts, leggings, suits, and well, you get the picture. 

The most important tip when it comes to denim on a budget is to purchase only 1 or 2 pairs of jeans that stand out, ie. have bling or some sort of design on them.  This task has become increasing difficult over the past 5 years, as retailers, who've gone bedazzle crazy, no you don't want to look outdated next year and will want to buy more.  Try to resist, since this just complicates things further for growing girls on a budjet.  The rest should be as plain as possible but fit great like Levi's or Calvin Klein are two great choices.  Now the reason you want plain jeans is so they'll mix and match with more tops and jackets and accessories.  I would say get at least 5 pairs of jeans, since you can wear them, usually, twice before washing.  That is enough for 2 weeks of bottoms.
So, for your shopping list here's what you'll be looking for:
  1. Black
  2. Darkest Blue you can find
  3. Light Blue
  4. Any shade of your choice not listed above
  5. One blinged out pair
If you have a really serious budget, then skip the flashy jeans, and stick to the plainy ainys.  You can always add embellishments to bling them out later maybe with a brooch on one hip, or a short scarf on a belt loop at the waist to give them a totally different feel.  If you're on the creative side try buying a cheap pair for $5.00 at a dollar store, Salvation Army, ore Good Will and splash them with bleach in different spots and different sizes.  Are you or someone you know a seamstress?  The creative possibilites are endless for you and how you can alter used demin finds.  Word of caution: be sure you stay within your school's dress code.  You can also try to tie dye with bleach too.  It's an old style, but appears to stay fresh on the streets.

Check out the cool history of denim here:

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Happy Denim Shopping!

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