Thursday, February 3, 2011

"The Godfather of Urban Fashion" Karl Kani

Karl Kani AKA “The Originator” AKA “The King of Black” launched his brand in 1989.  My back story here is that in 1993 at a junior college biology class;o}, I first noticed my now husband dressed head to toe in Karl Kani, LOL.  Who new?  Well 18 years, a marriage, and 3 babies later, I’m buying my son Karl Kani sneakers, and fussing at him for not tying the laces. 

Karl Kani is responsible for uniting hip-hop and fashion and moving it into the viable multi-billion dollar retail apparel segment that it is today.  If you hate sagg’n jeans, then blame him, since it was Karl who took the Brooklyn trend and put it on runways 1st.  Not exactly sure if he knew it would lead to the pants on the ground frenzy though(o_o) 

“The God Father of Urban Fashion” definitely deserves his place on the Black History in Fashion list!

???'s = or


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