I’m already cracking myself up just thinking about my body.
I think
God must have had uncontrollable hiccups when he put me together.
I have short legs, which in and of its self is perfectly fine, but add in the waist length of a super model and it’s just darn right funny.
You know how on the Ugly Betty show when they keep switching different eyes, noses, and mouths.
Well that’s what it looks like happened to my body, but somebody forgot to put the pieces back together.
On top of that stir in the weight I’ve put on in the last 10 years and it’s just hilarious.
Trust me girls
eat healthy and exercise everyday, cuz whatever you think you don’t like about yourself is only exaggerated about 100% with each and every extra pound you gain.
The weight makes me
look like a weeble wobble toy person (tell’n my age).
My legs have all but disappeared.

Anyway, if I can put together clothes and look just as good as anyone there is, then you can too.
Even when I had only 3% body fat my body was just weird… beautiful but weird.
When I was in middle school my
chest was flat as all get out; I had
wide hips, muscular, thick legs, and big feet.
Let Clinton and Stacy try to solve that dilemma.
See the pics in my photo album.
And while I made many bad fashion choices, I usually could choose things that kind of balanced my body out a little bit more.
I eventually learned the monochromatic outfits, long-waisted pants and skirts, and (back in the 80’s) shoulder pads would make me look and feel great.
So, the moral of this story is, as bad as you may feel now about certain parts of your body, you’ll be wishing you had it all back if you don’t take care of yourselves now and forever. I just didn’t want anyone to think some outta work fashion model was writing this blog. I’m just a regular person who happens to know a whole lot about fashion and styling a body to make it look its best. I also think I do a great job dressing my daughter, and can give great advice on dressing growing/developing tweens. Most of the tips I give have been around long before me (mom’s 70’s fahion/beauty books), so it’s just a matter of pulling together what’s right for you. Trust me. I’ve had a lot of work at it. So, if you have any questions, feel free to grab your mom or dad and ask or email me, and I’m sure we can figure it all out together.
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